In comparison, a newborn child knows no hardship because they are nurtured and cared for constantly. Then as they grow they recognize pain and hardship and lose their childlike innocence. When you're a child you assume that the world is all good because you are yourself, but then slowly you realize that their exists a lot of evil in this world.
Also, I believe that Genesis claims that desire and selfishness can be another source of evil. After Abel earned the respect from God for his offerings and Cain didn't, anger and wrath swelled in Cain's heart. God warned Cain to conquer his desires or else they will overtake him, which they did. Cain murdered his brother and poisoned the earth. Mankind would further suffer because the earth will not yield all of its fruits. The Lord stated that whoever would take vengeance on Cain would be troubled sevenfold. This demonstrates how one's greed can lead to violence and sin.
"And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually (Genesis 6.5)" Evil began to exponentiate as vengeance and violence brewed on earth.
Similarly, Buddhist believe that evil is derived out of selfishness. When a person only cares about his own well-being and neglects others then evil is manifested. I think that is why Buddhist and Asian culture in general is so submissive to authority. Confucius discusses the importance of order because it is for the betterment of society. Each individual is willing to do their part or role in society because it helps everyone and in turn themselves. A person is also obedient and respectful because if they are not it is disruptive to the order and system. So when a person does something evil or harmful to the community, it is out of greed and selfishness.
Similarly, Buddhist believe that evil is derived out of selfishness. When a person only cares about his own well-being and neglects others then evil is manifested. I think that is why Buddhist and Asian culture in general is so submissive to authority. Confucius discusses the importance of order because it is for the betterment of society. Each individual is willing to do their part or role in society because it helps everyone and in turn themselves. A person is also obedient and respectful because if they are not it is disruptive to the order and system. So when a person does something evil or harmful to the community, it is out of greed and selfishness.
I like your observation about selfishness alot. Good insights throughout.